Fight the Holiday Blues

Sunday, December 4th 10:00-11:30 am

Write Your Way Through the Holidays

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In this 1.5 hour VIRTUAL writing workshop, you'll:

  • Face difficult topics with fiction

  • Get tools to write through tough topics

  • Release stress & anxiety with yoga

  • Get help writing with prompts

  • Spend time writing your story in a safe space

Hosted By: Allison Spooner

Author, Yoga Instructor, & Founder of Creative Warrior

Who is this workshop for?

The holidays aren't bright and cheerful for everyone. If this season holds painful memories for you, it might be hard to feel festive. But don't ignore the things that make this time of year hard, face them using the tool of fiction. Author Allison Spooner will provide writing prompts and techniques to write your way through the holidays while still separating yourself from your story using fiction.

  • New and Experienced Writers

  • Those looking for tools to face hard topics

  • Writers looking for new ideas

  • Fiction and non-fiction writers

A Zoom link will be sent out after registration, closer to the day of the event. 

(c) 2022, Creative Warrior

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Almost There...

Please share your best email address, and I'll show you the PATH!

Your privacy is very important to us and we will not spam you.

Just one more step...

Please share your best email address, where I can send 30 days of prompts to help keep you creating!

Your privacy is very important to us and we will not spam you.

Where should I send the poses?

Please share your best email address, where I can send the poses I used to break out of my creative rut!

Your privacy is very important to us and we will not spam you.

Register for the Warrior Writing Sesh!

And receive a free digital copy of my book when you sign up..

Live writing sesh starts in....
