Daily Writing Prompt + Creative Yoga Flow: Think Again

Bad case of writer’s block got you feeling stuck in a creative rut?

We’ve all been there. Including me.

But luckily, I discovered a few things that helped get me unstuck.

Yoga & writing prompts.

Because these two tools were so helpful for me, I’ve decided to share them with you.

In these creativity sessions, you’ll get a prompt, we’ll do a yoga flow (designed to nourish your creativity) together, and then you’ll get dedicated time to take that prompt off the mat and CREATE! Use these sessions daily to set up a structured writing routine, or just when you need an extra boost of inspiration!

This week’s prompt is short and sweet but who knows what types of ideas it will conjure??

Ready? Let’s FIGHT for our creativity!

Writing Prompt

“Think again…”

Creative Yoga Flow & Session

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Allison Spooner

Allison Spooner brings worlds, characters, and stories to life in just a few words. In the last two years, she's published two books of short fiction; Flash in the Dark: A Collection of Flash Fiction and The Problem With Humans: And Other Stories. Allison’s writing crosses genres and has been compared to The Twilight Zone and Harlon Ellison.

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Just one more step...

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Where should I send the poses?

Please share your best email address, where I can send the poses I used to break out of my creative rut!

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